Women in dentistry with Dr. Manrina Rhode - Hamilton Fraser


The month of March celebrates National Dentistry month and our host Viki Hooker is joined by Eddie Hooker, CEO of Hamilton Fraser, Mark Copsey, Associate Director Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance and special guest Dr. Manrina Rhode.

Podcast Guest

Dr Manrina Rhode

Dr Manrina Rhode’s expertise in cosmetic dentistry has led her to be known as one of the leading cosmetic dentists in the world. With Dr Manrina Rhode having completed over 13,000 porcelain veneers over the past 20 years. She was the first dentist for Harvey Nichols and Harrods and explains her cosmetic dentistry journey.

Dr Manrina Rhode also runs a training academy for dentists. Running a variety of courses including a course teaching dentists how to do Porcelain Veneers, called Designing Smiles, where you can click to find out more information.

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