Mesotherapy - Hamilton Fraser

We can provide cover for mesotherapy within your medical malpractice insurance policy if you have the relevant qualifications to perform this treatment.

If you are looking for insurance to cover mesotherapy, please contact the team on 0800 6343881 or email

Who does Hamilton Fraser cover for mesotherapy?

Hamilton Fraser provides cover to perform injectable mesotherapy treatments for doctors, dentists, nurses, dental hygienists, dental therapists, pharmacists, paramedics, operating department practitioners and physiotherapists.

What is mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive aesthetic treatment used to alleviate a wide range of problems. It was first developed in France in 1952 by Dr Michel Pistor, as a treatment for sports injuries and a way to improve circulation.

Mesotherapy can use a variety of substances including plant extracts, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, hyaluronic acid, hormones, enzymes and prescription medications. These are injected into the skin or scalp to help it rejuvenate and repair itself, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Mesotherapy is performed using a very small needle and is not too uncomfortable for the patient.

Mesotherapy also includes regenerative aesthetics such as polynucleotides treatment. For more information on this treatment specifically see

How does mesotherapy work?

Mesotherapy is typically administered using a special injector gun that inserts the needle into the skin quickly and painlessly. The mesotherapy injection is moved along the skin to deliver small droplets of liquid into the epidermis or dermis, delivering vital nutrients beyond the skin barrier, directly to the cells of the skin.

What is mesotherapy used for?

Depending on the formulations, mesotherapy can be used for a range of indications, including:

● Mesotherapy for hair loss

● Mesotherapy for the face, including minimising fine lines, tightening loose skin and improving a dull appearance

● Mesotherapy for cellulite

Who can benefit from mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy can benefit patients with the following concerns:

Acne scarring

● Loose skin

● Dull and dehydrated skin

● Hyperpigmentation

● Wrinkles and fine lines

● Hair loss

● Cellulite and stubborn, localised body fat

Who should not have mesotherapy?

A full medical history and assessment of the patient’s expectations is necessary in advance of any injectable treatment, including mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is not recommended for patients who:

● Are suffering from any skin infection in or near the treatment area or are unwell in any way

● Have previously experienced allergic reactions to any of the ingredients or local anaesthetic

● Have active acne

● Are taking any medicines which affect bleeding, such as aspirin, as well as steroids

● Have any bleeding disorders

● Suffer from a poorly controlled medical condition

● Are pregnant or breastfeeding

● Are currently or have recently completed a course of Roaccutane (acne treatment) in the last 18 months

● Have previously been treated with a permanent injectable implant

● Have suffered from keloid scars

● Have scleroderma or epilepsy

How long does mesotherapy last?

The number of mesotherapy sessions required for the patient will depend on the skin condition and area being treated. The treatment works with a cumulative effect, so three to six sessions, two to four weeks apart are usually recommended in order to achieve the desired results. Having said that, it is not unusual to see results after only one session. Results may last between 12 to 18 months, depending on the patient’s skin type, condition and number of sessions completed.

What happens during a mesotherapy treatment?

Treatment time takes approximately thirty minutes and whilst not painful, it can be slightly uncomfortable so an anaesthetic cream can be used if the patient’s skin is a little sensitive. The injections, which can contain various ingredients including hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and minerals and enzymes, are then gently administered to the desired areas, typically into the middle layer of the skin. The number of injections and sessions will vary depending on the severity of the issue and the ingredients involved.

What are the potential complications, risks and side effects of mesotherapy?

Following a mesotherapy treatment, the patient’s skin may have pin prick marks and tiny bumps at the injection site, depending on the device and/or product used to administer the product. Mesotherapy side effects can include some redness, swelling, tenderness and bruising which should settle within days. Make-up should not be worn for 12 hours. Results may not be immediate, but will develop over time, following a course of treatment advised by the practitioner.

What is the recovery time from mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment, so patients will be able to continue with their schedules as usual, and even return to work on the same day. The patient’s skin may look slightly red and they may experience minor swelling in the areas treated, but this usually resolves on its own within 24-48 hours.

The results will not show immediately, as the patient’s body will need time for the ingredients to sink into the skin. Lasting and more significant results will occur after four to six treatments (spaced four-six weeks apart).

What training is required to perform mesotherapy?

Practitioners must have completed sufficient training in order to perform a mesotherapy treatment. A typical mesotherapy training course will entail:

● Theory on mesotherapy science, including advanced anatomy and physiology

● Treatment plans

● Treating different skin types

● Choosing which products to use

● Injection techniques

● Practical demonstrations

Who can perform mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy training is available for medical professionals such as doctors, dentists and nurses, as well as beauty therapists (typically level three and above). Once trained, practitioners are able to perform mesotherapy in a safe, clinical setting.

Mesotherapy claims: example scenarios

As with any treatment, all known side effects must be explained to the patient in the consultation and the patient must sign a consent form which outlines that they understand the risks, prior to the procedure.

Although mesotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment and side-effects are generally minor and short-lived, there are some contraindications and it is important that practitioners explain these to their patient during the consultation. One example of a potential claims scenario is that the patient complains of excessive bleeding and bruising. A cause for this could be that the patient has taken aspirin or another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) in the days running up to the procedure. These medications can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising during mesotherapy, so it is important that this is explained to the patient both verbally and in writing, and documented so that the practitioner has evidence that the patient was aware of the risks in the event that they experience this side-effect as a result of taking NSAIDs and raises a claim against the practitioner.

Top tip: Always make sure you draw the patient’s attention to any side-effects that could result from them not following either aftercare instructions or taking the relevant precautions in the days running up to a treatment. It’s vital to have written evidence that you did this in the event that a claim is made against you. We also suggest that you check with the patient whether their medical history or prescribed drug use has changed since the consultation in case this puts them at increased risk of side effects.